April 21, 2015

Swedish Traditions


Take a look at our slide show with some of our favourite Swedish traditions 


Best regards from EK14C, Sweden


  1. Hello!
    We have watched your presentation and we liked it a lot. We are students from Básico 1-2 in EOI Ponteareas and we would like to ask you some questions:
    1- Do you make bonfires at St. John night at 12? For us, it is a tradition to burn things that we don’t want in our lives any more. Sometimes, we also jump over the bonfires.
    2- We don’t understand the “Kubb” game. Can you explain us the rules a bit more?
    3- Is “schnapps” a typical Swedish drink? Can you show us a picture?
    4- When is exactly May Day?
    5- What is the meaning of “quires”?
    6- On St. Martin day, we kill pigs instead of geese. We have a familiar and traditional party and we eat pork blood pancakes for dessert.
    See you

  2. Hi there! We have also watched your presentation about Swedish traditions. We are students from Básico 1-3 in EOI Ponteareas. Here are our questions:
    1- Do you always eat tacos and snacks on Cosy Friday? Is your diet healthy?
    2- In the kubb game, do you knock with your hand or foot?
    3- Is May Day "Labour Day”?
    4- Isn’t it St. Martin Day the 11th of November? In Spain, we celebrate it on that day.

  3. Hello. We are students from Básico 1-1 in Ponteareas. Our questions are:
    1- Do you know that we also celebrate St. Lucía? There is a famous song by Sergio Dalma (a singer who participated in the Eurosong Contest in 1991). Have a look at the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQsNd9Ua8ek
    2- Do you usually have religious parades?
    3- Can you participate in Eid-al-fitr although you aren't Muslim?
