February 22, 2015

Presentation Liceo Antonio Vallone

This is the presentation of our town, school and class (4M)!!!


  1. Lovely! Well done! I'll ask my students to send you some questions.

  2. What course are you studying?
    How many school years do you spend in High School in Italy?

    ** Eva and Charo **

    1. We're attending the fourth year of Liceo Vallone and we spend five years in our High School.
      ** Giulia and Chiara (4M) **

    2. Here in Italy we spend five years in our High School and now we are attending the fourth one.
      **Rosaria and Francesco (4M)**

  3. Is it difficult to study so many languages?
    What's your favourite language?
    Is it Spanish difficult to learn for you?

    ** Rita and Irene and Charo**

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It isn' t so much difficult to study languages here. Our favourite language is Spanish so it is easy to learn for us.
      **Rosaria and Francesco (4M)**

  4. It's not too much difficult to study many languages and we love studying English and Spanish, that is very easy to learn for us because it's similar to Italian.
    ** Giulia and Chiara (4M) **

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We are studying in the Linguistic course (English, Spanish and French). We spend five years in High School.
    It's a bit difficult because we study Litterature too in all languages; our favourite language is Spanish. This year we went to Salamanca (two hours from Madrid) and, in our opinion, Spanish is similar to Italian!

    **Jacopo and Elisa (4 M)**

  7. We are studying in a linguistic course and we spend five years in high school.
    We think that studying so many languages isn't so difficult, as we've been studying them for many years since we were in middle school.
    We like all languages, but our favourite language is English (Ilaria) and Spanish (Chiara).
    Spanish isn't so difficult because it's really similar to Italian, but grammar isn't so easy to learn.
    And you? In which course are you in?
    Which languages do you study and what's your favourite one? Why?
    You'd like to learn italian?

    ** Chiara and Ilaria**

    1. Ana and Angeles - EOI PonteareasMay 28, 2015

      We are in our second year at the School. When we finish our second year we do a test to get our A2 certificate in English.
      It's a six-year course to get three different certificates. Every two years we sit for an exam.
      For some of us. English is difficult.

      In Ponteareas we can only study English at the School but in the School in Vigo they teach English, French, Italian, Galician, Portuguese, German, Chinese and Japanese.

      Our teacher is studying Italian and she sometimes tells us about it. She says it's a beautiful language. We would like to learn it some day.

      ** Ana and Ángeles - EOI Ponteareas**

  8. It isn't too difficult, but it's really easy to confuse the three languages.
    We like all the languages we study, in particular Spanish, that isn't difficult to learn because it's similar to Italian.

    **Silvia and Michael (IV M)**

  9. Hi, I am Daniela! We attend the linguistic course that lasts 5 years. Learning three foreign languages is not difficult if you are motivated, and we are motivated! My favourite language is English, I am fascinated by British and American cultures; learning Spanish is not so difficult since it's a bit similar to Italian.
